Research Profile of Dr. Ranjan Chaudhury


My current research interests are primarily the areas of superconductivity , magnetism, many body physics and statistical mechanics. Very recently, my research interest has also developed in the area of biology interfaced with statistical mechanics. Some of the research problems I have been involved with at present are :

  • Effective field theory and spin dynamics for the quantum
  • Dynamical spin susceptibility for strongly correlated systems described by the t-J model in the superconducting phase
  • Realization of Van-der-Werden's colouring theorem for binary and ternary alloys.
  • Criteria for the formation of fermionic bound pairs in layered systems and coexistence of correlated pairs and bound pairs in the oxide superconductors.
  • Phase fluctuation in layered superconductors
  • Analysis of correlations within the DNA molecule
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