What is Sexual Harassment? It may take a diverse and varied form of unwanted, unwarranted, conduct of sexual nature or other conduct, based on sex, which violates the dignity of a woman, more particularly when it creates an intimidating or offensive environment for the recipient.
The problem of sexual harassment at the place of work, relates not so much due to reluctance to understand biological differences between “Men” and “Women” but due to the gender or social roles and myths attributed to men and women in social and economic life and its perceptions about gender sexuality in society. Oft argued is that Women “Provoke” or “Ask for” the conduct or that it is a price a woman must pay for stepping out of the “home and hearth” designated for them.
The strongest impetus for campaigns demanding a specific law for combating sexual harassment has, understandingly, come from women themselves. In India, the pro-active, receptive response of the Supreme Court culminated in the landmark decision being the ‘Visaka Case’. This was followed by the legislation "Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Place of Work Act, 2013."
While it may be argued that the liability and remedy is in social awareness of the problem, the Act casts a legal duty on the Employer to take constructive and affirmative action, both preventive and or/ punitive, to combat the menace of sexual harassment at the place of work.
Without doubt the problem of sexual harassment has to be dealt with firmly and with sensitivity. The rights of both the accuser and the accused need to be protected. A conceptual and sensitive understanding of the malady is the need of the hour.
The Workshop on ‘Gender Sensitisation- Issues at Workplace’ aims to focus on the various issues as highlighted above and also to make people aware of the various provisions of the Act .